Saturday, April 7, 2012

Learning The Vehicle Language

Mostly of us aware of every sign that appear on roadside, overhead and even on the road surface and understand what it means. But sometimes, we will found indirect messages from incoing, infront and behind of us such as vehicle flashing head lamps or just honking. This can generate a lot of questions mark as we cannot communicate directly with them to ask what they are trying to tell us. This is the most common vehicle language that we always find on the road.
1. Incoming vehicle flashing head lamps during daytime
  • The driver maybe your friend or someone who knows you or your car. If you not recognize them;

  • The driver trying to tell you what happen ahead. It could be an accident, road maintenance works, broken road, flood and landslide. But based on my experience, incoming car flashing light on daytime will found that the police traffic or road transport department is conducting roadblock or speed trap. Make sure you buckle-up your seatbelt and start to slow down.

  • Maybe something wrong with front portion of your car. Maybe your car plate number or bumper getting loose.

  • If you are overtaking, the incoming driver telling you about his appearance and want you to alert especially when you are getting near on their lane.

  • If you driving in a busy traffic, then the incoming car flashing their headlamps and the stop their car, mean that he is asking for your permission to cross by ur path for entering the junction on your side. Read related topic about this Here .

2. Vehicle behind blinking headlamp at you during daytime or night
  • You are driving 40km/h, but in the fast lane.

  • If on single lane, he could be somebody you know. If otherwise;

  • Something wrong with the rear of your car. Check for brake light, plate number, bumper, spare tires (if mounted under), tire condition.

  • He is trying to tell you that he want to overtake and want you to alert.

  • If you are driving a supercar or fully modified car, it could be the guy behind want to have street racing with you. Its all up to you..

 3. Incoming vehicle honking at you
  • If a short honk (once) 1-2 beep, It is likely the same meaning with No.1 above.

  • If a long honk, he was trying to express his angry when you overtake in a dengerous situation and getting near with him on his lane. Usually honk will be come up with headlamp on (very very angry).

  • If at night, he was angry because you are not switching headlamp to low beam. If you not switch it to low beam as soon as possible, he might switch to high beam also to let you know what he feel when someone using high beam.

  • Maybe "something" on top of your car's roof. As you can seen in the horror movie. Hope this one will never happen..

4. Vehicle behind honking at you
  • The same meaning with No.2 above.

5. Vehicle playing with headlamp (hi and low beam)
  • If incoming vehicle, check your head lamp indicator, maybe you forgot to switch to low beam mode.

  • If from behind, he trying to tell you that he want to overtake. Just want you to aware of it.

  • If the vehicle infront of you doing so, make sure you switch to low beam. If yes, maybe he just want to test the newly installed bulp.

  • It could be your friend, playing with you.

6. Left signal blinking but there was no junction on the left or even stop (for right-handed drive)
  • The driver want you to overtake, as you tailgating so close or he dont want to be followed.

  • Because the driver drive slowly, he want to help you to overtake whenever the incoming lane are save for overtake. This usually happen on the single lane and "S" type or zig zag  road.

Thats all for now, if there is another I will update later..thanks for reading

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